
About NoCallSupport

NoCallSupport is a consumer tool which enables you to rapidly and efficiently request support from your merchants, manufacturers and service providers.

Participating businesses use Intrep-ID technology to send you a Support Intrepid, an encrypted digital copy of your transaction. When you wish to obtain support/service on your purchase, you simply visit and drop the Support Intrepid on NoCallSupport. NoCallSupport will unpack the Intrepid you provide and send the data directly to the Merchant to act upon. Your data is contained only in the Support Intrepid and it resides on your computer only. All data is purged from NoCallSupport after use.

Using Intrepids for requesting the support you seek, saves you hours of time being connected to your merchant's call center. You avoid all the tiresome authentication mechanisms as well as regurgiation of the same data over and over again to multiple agents.

Intrepids were designed to give indviduals maximum freedom without constraining what they could do on the web. Intrepids have the potential to change how the Internet works; or at least provide an alternative to the intermediated, monopolistic mechanisms currently in place.

Our Values

  • Transparency - The intrep-ID process is audited and the results are published here. There is nothing hidden.

  • Efficiency - No more wasting your time. No repetitive form filling, no duplicate rekeying of data, no saying the same things over and over to get the support you want.

  • Privacy - Intrep-ID decrypts and extracts your data from the Intrepids you provide to NoCallSupport. Intrep-ID also receives your data from Merchants if you asked them to send Intrepids to you. We do two things with this data. 1. We forward your data to you in an Intrepid for future use. 2. We forward your data to your Merchant for them to use in a transaction you requested. The data is then purged. It is not kept for backup, nor saved, held for any reasons and certainly not sold.

  • Enable Transactional Commerce - No need for long term relationships with vendors and merchants. If you can transact business quickly, efficiently and completely, why create unnecessary merchant accounts?

Some Essential Small Print

  • You merchant is your service provider. Your service / support relationships are between you and your merchants / SPs. is not a party to your transaction.

  • Your service provider is fully responsible for the service or product they provide you. NoCallSupport simply facilitates the connection.

  • We are NOT an intermediary except for the purpose of decrypting your data. You connect directly with the merchant, vendor, service provider of your choosing, reducing delays, costs and confusion that a middleman can inject into the process.

  • Intrep-id has fucntioning relationships with many vendors but we are starting so your help in informing merchants and making them aware of this alternative is needed and greatly appreciated.

  • NoCallSupport is simply a tool that facilitates the exchange; we provide a service to you with no attempt to influence your choices.

NoCallSupport Team

Girish Altekar - Founder and President

A 38 year veteran of the IT industry with experience in development, marketing and management of technology products and solutions. Graduated from companies such as Tandem, Data General, Unisys, Icon Computing, Girish has managed his small business DeepCoolClear for the last 20 years. Girish has a bachelor's in Electrical Engg From IIT, Bombay, an MS in Electrical, Computer and Systems Engg from RPI, Troy and a MBA from University of Texas at Austin.

Frank Gilbane - Advisor, Board Member

Frank is the founder and CEO of Bluebill Advisors Inc (previously Gilbane Group Inc), publisher of the Gilbane Advisor, and founder of the Gilbane Conference